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Re: CHAT: The King of Glottal Stops Reigns Supreme!

From:jogloran <exponent@...>
Date:Sunday, January 27, 2002, 13:18
I don't watch much tv., especially not commercial tv. channels' news.
Sydney lack the variety of Melburnian, as described before?  (There
more, of course.) Not one of those accents can be
considered 'normal'. And
I've been told that Melburnian is relatively (compared to
speech) unaffected, or is untrue?

No, I've been to Melbourne twice and I think the pronounciation in the city was pretty normal. I know that people here have some sort of stereotype about Melburnian speech (I don't exactly know what the stereotype actually is, however :P). Tangentially, I was in Newcastle (in Australia :P) recently, and their adjective for describing themselves (in the vein of Melburnian and the rather contrived "Sydneysider") is "Novocastrian", which is obviously the Latin form of the place. It was actually used by the residents, which I wouldn't have expected for such a highfalutin name :P Imperative


Tristan Alexander McLeay <anstouh@...>