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Re: Onomastics and taxonomies; Was, LeGuin; Was: 12th-century conlang

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, March 26, 1999, 11:36
At 18:59 26/03/99 +0800, you wrote:
>Sally Caves wrote: > >> > > Let's see a list from some of you with at least twenty items >> > > in each of these categories: > >In Ge'arthnuns: > >i'=/i/or/j/; e'=/e/; o"=/Y/; u"=/y/; c,=/C/; zc,=/C<vcd>/; rh=/X/; >kh=/x/ > >> > > 1. God, gods, angels, saints, and demons. > >A veritable dearth here: > >Avi'aths God >Kristuts Christ >mvauc,o"ths angel >i'uzgati'rs werewolf >zhangati'rs vampire >asho"ths fairy > >> > > 2. Human family relationships. > >julzhbe'o"rs ancestor >bi'teks grandfather >oshans grandmother >zhbe'o"rs parent >dhabs father >maralans mother >se'klets child >e'khlu"vars son >kro"nens daughter >zbwafo"ls sibling >desi'o"bs brother >kfains sister >zdarso"li'o"rs spouse >lebs husband (of a heterosexual pairing) >bleths husband (of a gay male pairing) >i're'vens wife (of a heterosexual pairing) >zhakuts wife (of a heterosexual pairing)(archaic) >ve'ri'ths wife (of a lesbian pairing) >rho"ibs uncle >vi'o"rans aunt >
The words bleths and ve'ri'ths are very interesting. Is Ge'arthnuns the language of a society where homosexuality is totally accepted? Or do those words have a derogatory meaning? The fact is that you have words for God and Christ, so it seems that the Christian religion (which has always been totally against homosexuality) is important in this society. How do you handle this paradox?
>> > > 3. The parts of the body. > >akhaks shoulder >rhi'ks arm >thrins hand >knebs finger >aso"ts wrist >benaks leg >savo"ks foot >zhdats toe >shfols knee >azho"ls back >two"ns chest >kno"selsi'zh buttocks >lo"rnaksu"zh buttocks >mnors penis >zve'ls vagina >o"zc,als head >e'jebs ear >biths eye >so"ts mouth >o"fets nose >ze'du"bs hair > >> > > 4. Diseases of the body. > >rhebuths disease >fo"ls cold >vdals constipation >soi'e'raks diabetes >ladabs diarrhea >veberhebuths helminthiasis >dhuls influenza >o"zc,ali'vi'rs headache >ubo"vi"rs sore throat >tebunavebs indigestion >si'bano"ts fever >ngo"ks cough >mubengauls venereal disease >pfehets allergy >azhasi'bs inflammation >buths nausea >zhbo"ngo"fi'ls infection >mnoraupsuks impotence >kedo'rmeks asthma >pso"ks chu" zhangato"ikfauksu"s anemia > >> > > 5. Names relating to Church or Religion > >avi'athebe'o"rs church >avi'atheri'c,o"ins cathedral >kfo"ths pope >hi'desi'o"bo"rhenebs monastery >hi'desi'o"bs monk >hi'kfains nun >hi'kfainarhenebs convent >zdi'amans introit >gashi'rethto"rs psalter >knols liturgy >paternosters Pater Noster >bmo"go"ts e't Immaculate Conception >sajado"hedi'ns mosque >darzho"rs temple >zc,akfac,ens religion >kristi'anoc,ens Christianity >katoli'koc,ens Catholicism >i'ehudac,ens Judaism >islamac,ens Islam >douc,ens Taoism >budac,ens Buddhism > >> > > 6. Names relating to Secular Hierarchies, the parts of Government > >frens kingdom >tse'rhaungo"ths palace >di'bs king regnant >fsebs king (consort of gay king) >merens queen (consort of king) >o"ns queen regnant >ats queen (consort of lesbian queen) >c,u"rs king (consort of queen) >alu"dzerats prime minister >alu"dlers president >alu"rheths president (in a system that also has a p.m.) >dvo"rs count >dni'ovo"ns government >abuvo"shets governor >abushero"bs ambassador >abumarangi'ks embassy >tesmans consul >tesmanamarangi'ks consulate >cho"mnuthezo"ths monarch >mvu"do"kfeks dictatorship >
Here again, I find it strange but interesting. A nation where the king or queen regnant could be homosexual and live without problems with his/her lover, who would also have a title... Can I join this nation? :) [lots of interesting stuff] Do you have a webpage? I'd like to know more about this. Christophe Grandsire |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G. "Reality is just another point of view." homepage :