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Re: Onomastics and taxonomies; Was, LeGuin; Was: 12th-century conlang

From:Douglas Koller <laokou@...>
Date:Friday, March 26, 1999, 10:59
Sally Caves wrote:

> > > Let's see a list from some of you with at least twenty items > > > in each of these categories:
In Ge'arthnuns: i'=/i/or/j/; e'=/e/; o"=/Y/; u"=/y/; c,=/C/; zc,=/C<vcd>/; rh=/X/; kh=/x/
> > > 1. God, gods, angels, saints, and demons.
A veritable dearth here: Avi'aths God Kristuts Christ mvauc,o"ths angel i'uzgati'rs werewolf zhangati'rs vampire asho"ths fairy
> > > 2. Human family relationships.
julzhbe'o"rs ancestor bi'teks grandfather oshans grandmother zhbe'o"rs parent dhabs father maralans mother se'klets child e'khlu"vars son kro"nens daughter zbwafo"ls sibling desi'o"bs brother kfains sister zdarso"li'o"rs spouse lebs husband (of a heterosexual pairing) bleths husband (of a gay male pairing) i're'vens wife (of a heterosexual pairing) zhakuts wife (of a heterosexual pairing)(archaic) ve'ri'ths wife (of a lesbian pairing) rho"ibs uncle vi'o"rans aunt
> > > 3. The parts of the body.
akhaks shoulder rhi'ks arm thrins hand knebs finger aso"ts wrist benaks leg savo"ks foot zhdats toe shfols knee azho"ls back two"ns chest kno"selsi'zh buttocks lo"rnaksu"zh buttocks mnors penis zve'ls vagina o"zc,als head e'jebs ear biths eye so"ts mouth o"fets nose ze'du"bs hair
> > > 4. Diseases of the body.
rhebuths disease fo"ls cold vdals constipation soi'e'raks diabetes ladabs diarrhea veberhebuths helminthiasis dhuls influenza o"zc,ali'vi'rs headache ubo"vi"rs sore throat tebunavebs indigestion si'bano"ts fever ngo"ks cough mubengauls venereal disease pfehets allergy azhasi'bs inflammation buths nausea zhbo"ngo"fi'ls infection mnoraupsuks impotence kedo'rmeks asthma pso"ks chu" zhangato"ikfauksu"s anemia
> > > 5. Names relating to Church or Religion
avi'athebe'o"rs church avi'atheri'c,o"ins cathedral kfo"ths pope hi'desi'o"bo"rhenebs monastery hi'desi'o"bs monk hi'kfains nun hi'kfainarhenebs convent zdi'amans introit gashi'rethto"rs psalter knols liturgy paternosters Pater Noster bmo"go"ts e't Immaculate Conception sajado"hedi'ns mosque darzho"rs temple zc,akfac,ens religion kristi'anoc,ens Christianity katoli'koc,ens Catholicism i'ehudac,ens Judaism islamac,ens Islam douc,ens Taoism budac,ens Buddhism
> > > 6. Names relating to Secular Hierarchies, the parts of Government
frens kingdom tse'rhaungo"ths palace di'bs king regnant fsebs king (consort of gay king) merens queen (consort of king) o"ns queen regnant ats queen (consort of lesbian queen) c,u"rs king (consort of queen) alu"dzerats prime minister alu"dlers president alu"rheths president (in a system that also has a p.m.) dvo"rs count dni'ovo"ns government abuvo"shets governor abushero"bs ambassador abumarangi'ks embassy tesmans consul tesmanamarangi'ks consulate cho"mnuthezo"ths monarch mvu"do"kfeks dictatorship
> > > 7. The parts of trade and human craft.
o"sfandi'ls artist kwo"ls construction kengaungevi'ers farmer tezemars doctor dhaurstenahens green grocer's o"ino"rs teacher nsho"ths pharmacy mni'sfers scientist zhakars secretary fo"rhi'faths dancer aralaks lawyer o"mstens cook sebo"ls police officer tse'rhashmo"lo"ns journalist kfani'sfunels writer thrinsec,evels manual worker sewalu"ks engineer rezo"ns witch bdiks soldier zdi'enakers mechanic
> > > 8. Days, months, seasons of the year, hours, minutes.
dalho"rs Monday dalnebs Tuesday dalfo"ils Wednesday dalkets Thursday dalins Friday dalroks Saturday daljeths Sunday so"malu"sers January tfelo"sers February stebo"sers March i'de'sers April flahan-ge'sers May ano"sers June mo"rtelsers July nderbensers August vo"tho"sers September i'hi'alsers October shabasers November zc,u"no"sers December stebs spring ans summer vo"ths autumn zc,u"ns winter so"mo"ths year kurs hour nguts minute gvets second ntins midnight to noon; AM dhners noon to midnight; PM
> > > 9. The Quotidian things of life: clothing, houses, farming.
albo"ftals shirt zc,esaftals blouse vgo"ruts pants gdengels skirt ovmals dress sfo"rs shoe wotels hat be'o"bs house chi'vaks window ho"ilkans door so"rels floor leuns roof kric,pels wall chomners farm zars soil vo"lazhgers harvest zheters cow papo"ters chicken behejo"ls goat zc,alki'hels pig nggarhaths sheep ngklo"ths grain
> > > 10. The parts of the Natural World.
neskers sky ho"rs air zari'ans Earth rhi'ans moon laturs star mo"rs sun aubs mountain harans sea burs tree go"li'aks animal o"mbi'o"ts bird pebs metal kfedho"ls stone mni'aks water ngaibs fire zhlabs wood vars wind ngko"ths valley shuts plant sfaiers river