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Re: OT: libraries (was Re: dialectal diversity in English)

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Thursday, May 8, 2003, 16:44
>The ambitions of the library staff certainly plays a role too. Being >publicly >financed, they don't have too worry unduly what books people actually want >to >read.
True, but most whom I've met, excepting those in Arizona, are ambitious towards expanding to meet the public's needs. Yet, with the current economy and Federal leadership in the USA, they have perpetually decreasing funds.
>Sure, but I can't imagine what interest group would object to more books on >non-Western history.
Perhaps not in Sweden, but in the USA there are some who do.
>Requests for buying new books tend to be ignored.
Then this is even worse than in Arizona.
>For public Swedish libraries, supporting interlibrary loans isn't optional. >But >they're not too enthusiastic about it sometimes.
It isn't supposed to be optional here, either. _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>