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Re: OT: libraries (was Re: dialectal diversity in English)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, May 8, 2003, 18:23
Just my 2cents on this......
Andreas Johansson wrote:
> Sure, but I can't imagine what interest group would object to more books
> non-Western history.
Just those who think that W. European/Christian civilization & history (and specifically US) are the only ones that count. Good grief, you wouldn't want people getting the idea that someplace else might be different, or possibly (gasp) better????
The library here in Tinytown is part of a 3 or 4-town system; theyre happy to order a best-seller from down the road, but they charge $5.00 for anything else-- which includes all the stuff I want. Humbug.


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>