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Re: CHAT: Sakatda Ka Kadomo (was: CHAT: Anglicisms)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 5:35 writes:
>When I glanced at your page, it looked pretty much like it could >have been a description of some language from the Philippines. Some >words were exactly the same as in Tagalog, some not. So a Filipino >might see it and say, "If its not Tagalog, well then it must be some >other 'dialect'." Well, that's my impression anyways... 8)
Just the effect i was going for! I like how Tagalog sounds when spoken, but didn't want it to be a clone. I think its a tad simpler in some respects (the focus affixes dont change). Some words i kept as they are because when i applied the sound changes it didn't sound as nice as the original word.
> > >What's the conculture like? I'm imagining a tiny group of isolated >negritos in Luzon's Sierra Madre just east of Manila (therefore the >numerous Tagalog loanwords).
I'm still trying to come up with one. But i will consider maybe making the people negritos. Then again, maybe they could be a group of Tagalogs who got isolated in the sierra Madre, and their language changed and diverged. Possibly they married into a tribe that was using a language isolate (Which would explain the non-Tagalog words I put into the conlang). Anyway i still have all of summer to come up with something. I think this is also an opportunity to show off my drawing skills =).
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