LeoMoser wrote:
>Can any of you cite languages that make
>regular use of [hj] or close approximations?
>What other natural or constructed languages
>make use of [hw-] or have (more or less)
>similar sounds?
Some austro-asiatic langs are cited as having these two sounds. Though
not everyone agrees whether they are singular segments or clusters.
Boreanesian has both these sounds. But not as independant segments, but
rather as the surface manifestations of one of the two phonemic prosodemes
when applied to syllable final /j/ or /w/.
>This would imply that [gw-] may not be very
>common beyond the western European area.
You managed to cite Chinese. Though in Chinese it is unvoiced not like in
IEuropean I presume. Some mainland SEAsian langs have them too. Some langs
from the Americas have them (though I have only seen the unvoiced ones like
-kristian- 8)