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Re: Lovecraft

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 10, 1999, 18:35
On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Brook Conner wrote:

> Ed Heil writes: > > > Wouldn't it be fun to collect up all the bits of monster-speech and > > cultist-speech in Lovecraft ("Y'ha n'thlei! Cthulhu ftagn!" and all > > that) in Lovecraft's works and interpolate a conlang from them? > > Yes, it would, though I doubt there's enough extant to actually make > any convincing conclusions. > > Even if Lovecraft actually participated in the "secret vice."
Well, S.T. Joshi in his excellent biography doesn't mention it at all, if I remember correctly. Lovecraft did love the English language passionately, and I think he was quite satisfied with the use he could get out of it. Perhaps the folks on alt.horror.cthulhu know for sure? Boudewijn Rempt |