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From:Jefferson Wilson <jeffwilson63@...>
Date:Monday, January 30, 2006, 6:10
David G. Durand wrote:

> I was reading this thread out of interest, and now I'm feeling some > annoyance, because both Jefferson and Sai are flaming, and not > attempting to understand the other person's point of view.
I joined this list in the hope that I would find help with my own conlang project and find a community with whom I could discuss things of mutual interest. Since joining this this list I have received no help, little support, and found no mutual interests. Now my attempts to present a workable definition in the hopes that someone will correct my understanding are described as flames. In the current discussion I have been insulted and belittled and responded politely, but with understandable frustration. That is enough. This list ranks well up in the top 10 unfriendliest lists I have ever tried to participate in, and I am unsubscribing. Good Bye. -- Jefferson