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Re: This morning

From:SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>
Date:Saturday, September 15, 2001, 10:02
--- Sally Caves <scaves@...> wrote:
> God be with us and our enemies. Prayers in all > conlangs.
In Vya:a:h -- Yyiolloo Hyy'ytheiL na:miL, tekkiikin. "May exist God for us, enemy even" yyi - "over," as prefix to vb "surpass/overly" oll - "be" (* similar to Finnish "olla") yyioll - "exist" (infinitive & 3rd p.sing form) -oo - "may," suggesting a wish or desire (eg, "hyyva:noxdjoo" - "may (you have a) goodnight" similar to suffix "-a:a:" too) hyy'y - (honorific prefix) theiL - "man" but also "individual" (gender-less) Hyy'ytheiL - "God" here, but can refer to really any main entity of any religion (ie, in the context of Buddhism, it would refer to "Buddha"...) na:m - "we" in the sense of "you & I & everyone" (this is the spoken form - written form "yyai") -iL - "for" in the sense of "to (a person)" only tekkii - "enemy" (* similar to Japanese "teki") -kin - "even" (* false cognate to Finnish "-kin") ---------------------------------------------------- Just a brief word on the recent tragedies in the States, I just hope and pray that everything somehow works out. Even though I live in Tokyo, my entire family is scattered throughout the States - some of which live near NY - so my own unsettling feeling for their safety I am sure must be intensified for those of you there. From what I've heard from my colleagues in Tokyo as well as London, Dublin, Hong Kong and Sydney, everyone around the globe basically supports the States. May we surpass this foe united, with as little blood-shed as possible. Hyy'ywaa:a:, glhLczosh L hyyva:voaazenoxdjoo! [Wishing You] Peace, thank you and good morning/day/night! Matt33 PS. Tough conjuring up a word for enemy, I admit! This, because my conculture for Vya:a:h -- in the distant galaxy called "Vaa:vy'yy" ["vaa:" means "scared" and "vy'yy" means "unity", made up of "vy" (for "one" or "#1") and suffix "-yy" (meaning similar to "-ness")] -- is supposed to be an 'enlightened' society of human-like creatures who live at all costs in peace. I gave in to adding this sort of vocabulary, because things like enemy refer an actual concept - even if that concept doesn't really apply to the Vaa:vy'yy galaxy. __________________________________________________ Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help? Donate cash, emergency relief information


Herman Miller <hmiller@...>