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Re: New Langage "Tyl-Seok": Similar ideas? (Was: Translation pattern of `to have'?)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, March 5, 2001, 14:08
En réponse à Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>:

> > Tyl-Seok has no proto language and (almost) no imagined history: all > phenomena occuring in grammar or word composition are still > productive. Tyl-Seok is a modern language (not yet) spoken on Earth > that is constructed *now* with no languages to borrow from. It is > invented on the northern hemisphere (e.g. `sun' also means `south'). > It is meant to be an artlang with the purpose of being fun to be > created and spoken. > > I'll post details as soon as I'm sure about them. > Any comments/questions so far? > > **Henrik >
Funny, I can very well compare my Notya (rough meaning: language of the No) with your Tyl-Seok. Notya is: - nearly insolating, "active" case marking (if it has any meaning with Notya), no copula, totally regular - no numbers, no gender/classes, no marked case - SOV? (this is quite meaningless in the case of Notya. I prefer to say that the basic order is determiner-determinee, but a kind of determinee-determiner exists too) - agency based (loosely) on activity and volitionality - word categories: words (yes, only one category of words :) . There's not even a category of particles) - no concord - basically one (long) grammar rule: each word can have three forms: - existential conjunctive - existential final - active conjunctive - active final "Active" and "existential" refer to the state of activity of the word, "conjunctive" and "final" to its relation with the other words: - a standalone word (or last word of a phrase) must be in final form (conjunctive is possible, but has a special meaning). It can still have a relation with a following word, but this relation can only be a relation of determination. - a word in conjunctive form cannot stand alone. It has to be followed by another word with which it basically mean "and" but also may have other meanings, generally transforming the second word into a postposition or a verb (difficult to explain in a few lines). - of course, all this is very ambiguous and Notya resorts a lot to context - embedding structure: composed phrase is handled like simple words - has a Japanese-like phonology with a CV morphology (except that /m/ and /n/ can appear at the end of words. They are two of the four suffixes, along with /mu/ and /nu/) - nearly exclusively monosyllabic. Bisyllabic stems (like Notya) are composed (no+tya) - has both stress and pitch accent. The primary accent is pitch and is a phrase accent. The secondary accent is stress and is a word accent. Words with a very grammtical role are often unstressed (e.g. the word for "give" has a stressed form meaning "give" and an unstressed one roughly meaning "to") - no tone (this mix of stress and pitch accent is already funky enough :) ) Notya is the language of a secret society living (maybe) *now* on Earth. Nobody knows for sure but the most common belief among the Notya-speaking people is that it's a constructed language, maybe loosely based on the native language of the first members of this society. It has a very productive word composition. Well, I used your system to compare Notya with Tyl-Seol, and it seems that those are very comparable :) . Christophe.


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>