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Re: Keeping Track of Ambiguity in your Conlang?

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Monday, September 2, 2002, 0:49
Quoting Christopher Wright <faceloran@...>:

> Philip sekalge: > >"Verbing weirds language" > > Verbening, you mean?
No, the actual quote is "Verbing".
> As for phonetically-empty affixes, I think, "Why bother?" If it's not > detectable in any way save usage, then usage gives meaning, not a > phonetically-empty affix.
Sometimes they're useful for describing the _lack_ of a morpheme being as salient for speakers as the presence of a particular morpheme. ========================================================================= Thomas Wier Dept. of Linguistics "Nihil magis praestandum est quam ne pecorum ritu University of Chicago sequamur antecedentium gregem, pergentes non qua 1010 E. 59th Street eundum est, sed qua itur." -- Seneca Chicago, IL 60637