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Re: Brithenig/Aelyan North America (was: Re: Languages in the Brithenig universe)

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Saturday, April 8, 2000, 4:15
I wrote:

> I have to discover how exactly it cames in the Zera (the alternative
> world Hangkerim is in). In Zera's America, some nations survived the
... BTW, I have no way to name the Americas yet in Zera. In Republican Hangkerim (before the European Invation) Hangkerimians had no concept of different continents, so they just called all "terra firma" (I have no yet the name for that). Europeans used many names: Western Indias, Columbia, America... but they finnally decided to call North-America as Columbia and South-America as America.
> There is something probably similar to the NAL (I've even used the
> but 'A' stands for Atlantic)... well, if someone wants details I'll post
> in another thread after I check my notes.
The corrected name for my NAL would be Columbian Confederation (CC). The CC is formed for several states of English, French, Dutch, German (Hamburger) and Spanish origin, from OTL Cuba to Newfoundland and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. BTW, any hints on how South America (North from Argentina) were colonized in Ill Bethisad? -- Carlos Th