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Re: Brithenig/Aelyan North America (was: Re: Languages in the Brithenig universe)

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Saturday, April 8, 2000, 0:53
Matt Pearson wrote

> Massive extermination due to disease seems to be an inevitable > consequence of large-scale colonisation (Jared Diamond has a lot of > interesting things to say about this in his book "Guns, Germs, and > Steel", which, even if you don't agree with his arguments, should > be required reading for all conculturists). Thus, it seems to me that > the only way in which the indigenous Americans could have survived > in sufficient numbers to establish nation-states is if European
> had been a *lot* more gradual and a *lot* less fanatical there than here.
I have to discover how exactly it cames in the Zera (the alternative history world Hangkerim is in). In Zera's America, some nations survived the European invasion, some were invaded but managed to fight back (as the Hangkerim nations), some were invaded an colonized by Europeans who then secceded from their metropolis, Portugal lost their European territories, and there are some large places still colonies from European nations. There is something probably similar to the NAL (I've even used the acronym, but 'A' stands for Atlantic)... well, if someone wants details I'll post it in another thread after I check my notes. -- Carlos Th