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Re: What case is the inverse of the dative?

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Sunday, October 5, 2008, 16:59
On 05/10/2008, Kenneth Asad <kenneth_asad@...> wrote:
> hun får rakt bogen af mig
Is "får" literally "receives"? (From the little Swedish I know.) In which case, German has a similar construction. It sounds odd with "give", so I'll demonstrate with "give as a present": Ich schenke ihr das Buch - I give her the book (as a present) Das Buch wurde ihr von mir geschenkt - The book was given her by me (as a present) Sie bekam das Buch von mir geschenkt - She was given the book by me (as a present) Or similarly with e.g. "Er hat die Haare geschnitten bekommen", literally, "He has the hair cut received", for "He got his hair cut", also a promotion of a dative to a nominative. (Though German can also have dative subjects: "Ihm wurden die Haare geschnitten", literally "Him were the hair cut", with unspecified agent.) Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>