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Re: Weekly Vocab #5.3 (original)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Saturday, September 16, 2006, 12:01

1. apples = abêlos [abêlis would be the apple tree]
I like to eat an apple at the end of my lunch break.

m-us abêl-om m-úsïo með-ámr-eð-cüiil-ôsïo cêêrcü-ôsïo êd-u pîîr-a.
I-NOM.s apple-ACC.s I-GEN.s mid-day-eat-pause-GEN.s end-GEN.s eat-
SUP like-IND

2. bread (unleavened) = vargênos
This bread is mouldy, I urgently need to buy a new one (sic).

vargên-os d-os tân-os ês-a.   m-us cüêrï-u jûûn-om órµ-ë-v-' îîÿ-a.
bread-NOM.s this-NOM.s mold-NOM.s be-IND.  I-NOM.s buy-SUP new-ACC.s

3. ticket = qélt-ë-vââlos = pay-epen-leaf  [new word]
   bus = léuð-rêðnos = people wagon [new word]
In order to use the bus you must have a bus ticket.

léuð-rêðn-om é-naaûs-u toál-a, qélt-ë-vââl-os sem-ôsïo o ês-u cêl-a.
people-wagon-ACC.s in-boat-SUP (i.e., board), pay-
EPEN-leaf-NOM.s one-GEN.s to be-SUP must-IND.

4. butter = qêrtos
Butter tastes very well (sic) on a fresh raisin roll.

qêrt-os µêdzo sáft-ë-várgen-l-ôsïo éna méÿ-u dzêês-os dzêês-a
butter-NOM.s fresh raisin-EPEN-bread-DIM-NOM.s on great-ADV taste-
NOM.s taste-IND

5. cheese = sêrdïos
    tomâ£is = tomato [new word, borrowed from Nahuatl]  (£ = /l_0/)
If you need something to eat quickly, you can make rice with melted
cheese and ketchup.

nús-i t-ús-ë sém-om óós-vi êd-u îîÿ-o, sém-us-ë stááj-serdï-ôsïo-cüe
tóma£-pelt-ôsïo-cüe súna orîîz-om rêêð-u mââq-a.
presume-CONJ you-NOM.s-EPEN something-ACC.s quick-ADV eat-SUP need-
SUBJ, one-NOM.s-EPEN melt-cheese-GEN.s-and tomato-sauce-GEN.s-and
with rice-ACC.s prepare-SUP can-IND

6. cream = rûqmos
Cream is made of milk.  [The statement is not true, so I'm  taking
it to mean something like "cream is taken from milk."]

Cream is skimmed from milk.
sém-us qlaxt-ôsïo ápa rûgm-om dûûr-a.
one-NOM.s milk-GEN.s from cream-ACC.s remove-IND

7. ink = pêxtüin; print = carve, sîîma
I need ink for my printer.

m-us m-úsïo siim-µérdzën-ôsï-' o pêx-tü-im îîÿ-a.
I-NOM.s I-GEN.s print-machine-GEN.s-ELISION to write-solution-ACC.s

8. jam/marmelade = vruug-ârc-os (fruit-preserve-CL5.NOM.s) [new word]
Fruit jam when eaten outside is likely to attract wasps

b-u êd-aþ-os vruug-ârc-os µôvs-en mínï-vi dûc-u ês-a.
outside-ADV eat-PASS.PART-NOM.s fruit-preserve-NOM.s wasp-ACC.s
probable-ADV attract-SUP be-IND

9. milk = qlâxtos
You have to pay attention that the milk won't get sour.

sém-us, toál-i qlâxt-os-ë sûûr-o me, têµ-u cêl-a.
one-NOM.s so.that-CONJ milk-NOM.s sour-SUBJ not heed-SUP must-IND

10. noodles/pasta = gêlmos [new word]
Noodles like to boil over. [Conculture note: According to the
Senjecans, noodles are not sentient beings and therefore cannot like

gêlm-os-ë vlêµ-u dêÿm-os ês-a.
pasta-NOM.s-EPEN boil.over-SUP apt-NOM.s be-IND

11. salad = vruuð-mîtsos (vegetable-mixture) [new word]
Salad is suitable as a side dish for almost anything.

 vruuð-mîts-os sun-ed-os móstsu cüen-ôsïo o ðâvr-os ês-a.
vegetable-mix-NOM.s accompany-dish-NOM.s almost any-GEN.s for
suitable-NOM.s be-IND

12. sausage = âlïos
This is a sausage slices of which you put on your bread.

d-os t-us t-úsïo várgen-ôsïo éna n-ósïo sîîm-on stîîv-i álï-os ês-a.
this-NOM.s you-NOM.s you-GEN.s bread.GEN.s on it-GEN.s slice-ACC.p
put.REL sausage-NOM.s be-IND

13. soap = lôµtüis
The Federal Health Authority recommends to use soap.

uf-jôµ-as jeec-âsio jôµ-as, sém-us lôµ-tü-im nôdo, ârl-a.
principal-authority-NOM.s health-GEN.s authority-NOM.s one-NOM.s
wash-solution-ACC.s use-SUBJ recommend-IND

14. stamp = nes-dzêênos (secure-sign); this originally meant seal.
The postal service will refuse to deliver this letter because the
stamp is missing.

nésdzeen-ôsïo ég-ant-ôsïo, vénc-ë-jôµ-as  vênc-om d-om dôôn-u pos âr-
stamp-GEN.s lack-PRES.PART.-GEN.s dispatch-EPEN-authority-NOM.s
letter-ACC.s this-ACC.s give-SUP FUT.PART. refuse-IND

15. toilet paper = saan-ôlµïos (hygiene-paper) [new word]
 I had my brother bring me a new roll of toilet paper.

m-us m-úsïo vrât-um n-úmë m-um o jûûn-om sáán-olµï-ôsi rêþ-omë vrênc-
u per 惃t-a.
I-NOM.s I-GEN.s brother-ACC.s he-ACC.s-EPEN I-ACC.s to new-ACC.s
hygiene-paper-GEN.s roll-ACC.s-EPEN bring-SUP PAST PART. cause-IND

carving, n. – sîîmos = an object carved; simcêrdas = the art of
carving < sîîma = to carve.

bevel, v. – dêÿma = t.v. bevel, chamfer; i.v. incline, slope, tend.
Used in #10 as adjective for "apt."
