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Re: a grammar sketch...

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Saturday, September 30, 2000, 11:17
> From: Marcus Smith > > H. S. Teoh wrote: > > >But yeah, I know what you're talking about. I struggled for a long time > >with the awkwardness of the accusative + dative construct too, because > >when you give something to someone, that someone is a primary focus of > >your sentence; it shouldn't be relegated to a secondary dative case. > > Don't think of the dative as a "secondary" case. Think of the accusative > as the lowest-of-the-low. That is, it is the case that goes to > the *least* > important object. In a monotransitive that is the only object by > default. In a ditransitive, it is the direct object. The dative goes to > the "more important" indirect object.
Don't know about 'secondary' or even 'lowest-of-the'low', but amman iar tends to agree with H.S Teoh's intuition here. Canonical ditransitives always mark the 'recipient' using a 'core case' marking (absolutive or accusative depending on animacy considerations) and the 'gift' using an oblique case (dative), thus \f The queen gave the warrior a sword. \t ir arnarielle eleth en ir \m i arro =nar =iel -e el- -eth en i \g the rule =one.who =fem -[A] assertive- -past the \p det v =agtv =gnd -erg mood- -tense ptp det \x the queen did the \t authnar megillon erannaen \m autho =nar -0 megil -on er- anno -ae -n \g make.war =one.who -[P] sword -[Obl] do- give -agt/pat -actn/proc \p v =agtv -abs n -dat agt- v -val -vc \x warrior sword give Here the 'warrior' as recipient (authnar-0) takes the core case marking (absolutive) and 'sword' (megil-on) as gift takes an oblique case marking (dative). This should literally be translated as 'The queen gave the warrior a sword'. If primacy is to be given to the gift, then a non-canonical form of the ditransitive requiring the applicative voice must be used, thus, \f The queen gave a sword to the warrior. \t ir arnarielle megil \m i arro =nar =iel -e megil -0 \g the rule =one.who =fem -[A] sword -[P] \p det v =agtv =gnd -erg n -abs \x the queen sword \t erdolannien an \m er- tol- an -n -ie -n an \g do- applicative- to.pat -actn/proc -agt/thm -actn/proc to.pat \p agt- voice- ptp -vc -val -vc ptp \x erdolannien to.pat \t ir authnarron eleth \m i autho =nar -on el- -eth \g the make.war =one.who -[Obl] assertive- -past \p det v =agtv -dat mood- -tense \x the authnarron did Here the underlying oblique argument 'sword' (megil-0) is promoted to P-function and takes a core case marking (absolutive) while the underlying P-function argument 'warrior' (authnar-on) is expressed obliquely in the dative. This matches the English form 'The queen gave the warrior the sword' David