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Re: two related languages

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 18, 2002, 5:56
Rogert Wilson wrote:

>here are a few cognates in some related conlangs: > > a b c d >pod pat fod fat (1) >bak peg veg vek (2) >pet bit pit fid (3) >bod bad bot vad (4) >
Prompted by Eamon Graham's reply, I took another look at this. Assuming no borrowing, you have 4 consonant correspondences in initial and final position-- 1.ppff -- 2.bpvv -- 3.pbpf --- 4.bbbv which with reasonable confidence I'd call-- 1.*ph -- 2.*bh -- 3.*p -- 4.*b language a merges aspirates and plain, retains voice contrast language b merges aspirates > plain,voiceless; merges plain > voiced (odd) lang. c retains the 4-way distinction, though with phonetic change to aspirates. lang d retains voice contrast but merges voiceless > plain, voiced > plain, and all > fricative The finals are another matter. 1.dtdt -- 2.kggk -- 3.tttd -- 4.ddtd 1."*d1"--2. *g --- 3.*t (?)-- 4. "*d2" *d1 might be plain /d/, *d2 might be /dh/???. 3.*t is odd, in that voiceless finals don't usually voice, in my experience. One would expect at least one of the *d's to parallel *g, so you'd expect a **dttd set. (Or are there constraints on what final can follow an initial, a la IE? Perhaps I havent looked hard enough......) It would help if we knew whether there was also a **th; as it stands, the various langs. don't _seem_ to merge finals the same way as initials....(Standard Disclaimer: Needs more data/research) . There are three vowel correspondences: l,4. oaoa --2. aeee -- 3. eiii probably *a or *o -- *e --- *i (a rather odd system-- is that the whole thing???)