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Re: Interesting discoveries

From:Jonathan Knibb <j_knibb@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 18:59
<minidelurk> Estel -

'Personal' |eki| is used mainly for humans, as well as
any other personal being [...] it is also used of
languages, books and other works of literature.
I think musical instruments are also referred to with |eki|.

- what a lovely grouping!  What about musical works?  Music
performances?  Is a musical instrument still |eki| when it's not being



[reply to jonathan underscore knibb at hotmail dot com]
'O dear white children casual as birds,
Playing among the ruined languages...'
Auden/Britten, 'Hymn to St. Cecilia'


Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>