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Re: Introducing Paul Burgess and his radioactive imagination!

From:Paul Burgess <paul@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 14:05
3/9/03 6:23:54 PM, Stephen Mulraney
<ataltanie@...> wrote:

> > Christophe Grandsire wrote: > > > >I'm really interested to know what this person's
language looks like.
> > > > > > Me too. Phonetically, at least, it looks
interesting. "Mna" (assuming
> > there's no silent letters) is a lovely combination.
> > >It is indeed. It's a recurring feature of my
phonologies. It also occurs
>in Irish, in the word "mna'", meaning "women"
(suppletive plural of
>"bean"). Most commonly seen on toilet (restroom) doors.
Oddly, many
>dialects pronounce it [mrA:] rather than [mnA:]. But
both are lovely
"Mna" in Hermetic is indeed pronounced "mna", with no silent letters. Yeah, I'm quite pleased with it myself. :) And speaking of elephantine memories, which have also come up in this thread, back at age 13, in 1970, I coined the article "mna" just as I was walking in the side door of the small horse barn out in our back yard... --------------------------------------------- E-mail Website ---------------------------------------------


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
And Rosta <a.rosta@...>