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Re: TECH: okay, I'm an idiot

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Thursday, March 30, 2000, 16:57
Arrgh!  My message about the US-International keyboard got sent
out encoded in UTF-8 instead of the intended ISO 8859-1, so
lots of people may have had trouble reading it.
Here are just the tables again:

The possible accented letters are:

Acute accents:  Á  á  É  é  Í  í  Ó  ó  Ú  ú  Ý  ý
Grave accents:  À  à  È  è  Ì  ì  Ò  ò  Ù  ù
Circ accents:   Â  â  Ê  ê  Î  î  Ô  ô  Û  û
Dots accents:   Ä  ä  Ë  ë  Ï  ï  Ö  ö  Ü  ü  ÿ
Tilde accents:  Ã  ã  Ñ  ñ  Õ  õ

Note that there is no capital form of ÿ.

The behavior of the *right* ALT key also changes.  The left ALT key has the
usual ALT functions.  The right ALT key is now called "AltGr" and can be used
to generate other characters as follows:

        c       ©
        C       ¢
        d       ð
        D       Ð
        l       ø
        L       Ø
        m       µ
        r       ®
        s       ß
        S       §
        t       þ
        T       Þ
        w       å
        W       Å
        z       æ
        Z       Æ
        1       ¡
        !       ¹
        2       ²
        3       ³
        4       ¤
        $       £
        6       ¼
        7       ½
        8       ¾
        -       ¥
        =       ×
        +       ÷
        [       «
        ]       »
        \       ¬
        |       ¦
        ;       ¶
        :       °
        ,       ç  (can also be typed as 'c)
        <       ¢  (can also be typed as 'C)
        /       ¿

Standalone acute (´) and diaeresis (¨) are typed with AltGr-' and AltGr-"
respectively, followed by space.  Additionally, AltGr-vowel can be used
to type the vowel with an acute.


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,           ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.            -- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)