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Re: Language and "mysticism," whatever that is.

From:Oskar Gudlaugsson <hr_oskar@...>
Date:Monday, April 30, 2001, 0:07
On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 10:33:36 -0700, Sally Caves <scaves@...>

>Vyko, Conlangers! I've taken a long long holiday (which >essentially amounts to doing my dayjob at the university). >I hope you haven't forgotten Teonaht!
Er, VYKO! I guess :) I should find out about this famous Teonaht lang...
>1) How many of you old- and new-comers started inventing a language >in isolation from the list?
Lemme see... I started before I found this list, so that would include me. That was mostly auxlang-design, which got me tangled up in the AUXLANG-list for a while; then I realized that this is a much more favourable work environment. In a way, AUXLANG is to CONLANG what religion is to philosophy...
> 1a) If so, how old were you?
19, I think.
> 1b) Was it a project with friends or a solitary project?
> 1b) Did your invented language have some kind of private purpose? > esoteric? erotic? religious or mystical?
Nah; it was an evil-knevil auxlang ;) ;)
>2) How many of you newcomers heard of the list first and thought-- >Wow! I think I'll try my hand at conlanging!
Not me at least.
>3) How many of you, when you were starting out on this on your own, >did this kind of thing: you have a list of words you want to invent >new ones for, so you drew di-and polysyllabic words out of the air.
Mm, not me. I feel like I had an unfortunate childhood having begun this hobby as an auxlanger... All those things you're nostalgic about and I never did any of it! :(
>5) How many of you invented words to express concepts that could not be >expressed in your native language?
I've always kept that in mind, one way or another.
>6) How many of you used it for prayer? For secrecy?
Me, no.
>7) For how many of you was it an intellectual exercise?
Certainly. The whole thing has always been an intellectual exercise. I often work on things that happen to have political connotations for some people (unfortunately), but that's usually because those tend to be most challenging, intellectually. I do like artlanging, but the feeling of freedom puts me down a bit, so I can only be bothered by so much of it.
>8) A language for a conculture?
Like it! :) I must make a conculture for some of my langs one day. Perhaps even for my auxlang... :D
>10) What is your definition of a mystical language? Would any of you >characterize your conlang as such?
"Mystical language": I think the definition needs a concultural context... sounds very sociolinguistic. Something a priori with very unusual, perhaps even artificial, features.
>Yry poy poy firrimby, talk to you soon!
Já einmitt, hafðu það gott! :) Óskar