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Re: 1996 archive request...

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 7, 2003, 18:32
Amanda Babcock writes:
 > I *know* I have 1996 archives saved on one of my computers *somewhere*,
 > but no idea which one or where...
 > Does anybody have a copy of a 1996 message (sometime in the fall, I think)
 > where I translated a fragment of the Charge of the Goddess into a short-
 > lived conlang that featured merging the place of articulation of the
 > beginning of one morpheme with the manner of articulation of the end of
 > the previous one (or vice versa)?  Apart from an equally un-findable paper
 > copy, that would be the only existence of this particular conlang sketch.
 > I believe I used the word "sandhi" in the body of the message to describe
 > this phenomenon.
 > Thanks!
 > Amanda

Is this it?  I have no idea if that's you or not, as I wasn't there.
If it's not, then I don't have it (I'm missing everything between May
and November - if you find your 1996 archives, let me know).

|Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 20:26:56 -0500 (EST)
|From: Forest Sprite <dryad@...>
|Subject: CONLANG: Write-only language, part 2
|I am trying out a switching reference system for clauses.  Word order is
|currently ABS V ERG in the main clause, V ABS ERG in subordinate clauses.
|I never realized how much havoc clauses can wreak until I started trying
|to translate some florid prose :)  Anyone want a clause challenge?  Try to
|translate this sentence into your language:
|"You who think to seek for me, know that your seeking and yearning will
|avail you not, unless you know the mystery: for if that which you seek,
|you find not within yourself, you will never find it without." (From The
|Charge of the Goddess, more or less as written by Doreen Valiente)
|I have only got as far as "mystery" myself, and have already broken it
|into two sentences.  If anyone is interested, this is what I have:
|kuzi           temangobaghif                   ladashuzis
|kuzi           tema-ngoj-vav-gif               lada-shuv-tis
|the following  be known-COMMAND-you.Pl-ERG     intend-REL-SW.ERG[1]
|Let the following be known by you               who intend
|tuchudaten.            temakachughav                   sumajam
|tuchu-dap-den          tema-kak-shuv-gav               suma-jam
|be sought-I-act of     be known-not-REL-SW.ERG[2]      mystery-DEF
|the act of seeking me. Who knows not                   the mystery,
|vudakachubav                   tuchuvaghisengif
|vuda-kak-zhug-vav              tuchu-vav-gif-den-gif
|be helped-not-will-you.Pl      be sought-you.Pl-ERG-act of-ERG[3]
|you will not be helped         by your seeking
|be desired-you.Pl-ERG-act of-ERG
|and by your yearning.
|[1] This particle, tis, states that the ergative position in the
|subordinate clause is filled by the ergative noun in the main clause.
|[2] This particle, gav, states that the ergative position in the
|subordinate clause is filled by the head noun.  The head noun in this
|case, vav (you plural), is actually missing, since vav is appended to the
|main clause verb.  I haven't decided if this is a bug or a feature :)
|[3] Yes, I noticed I constructed a phrase with a supposedly ergative verb
|and no noun or pronoun in the absolutive position.  This might end up
|being ungrammatical.
|Worse writing (though less clause-heavy) from the Washington Post, Metro
|section, Dec. 6th:
|"The head of a Northeast Washington charter school at the center of a
|controversy over a tussle with a reporter portrayed herself as having a
|passion for molding young blacks and being unafraid of confrontations with
|institutions that she sees standing in her way."
|So, which natlangs rank among the worst for examples of hideously
|over-engineered sentences?  I suppose it isn't a fair question, as
|literary style tends to fluctuate between ornateness and simplicity.
|                                                                    ____
|------------------------------------------------------------------  \  /__
|        "There's a fish...                    \X  /
| Forest Sprite         the percolator!..."              \/


Amanda Babcock <langs@...>