Patrick Dunn wrote:
>...>Parallel Translation
>R szn-qa-x pu-xa-fu stl-sz-fu
>Topic greet-I-you make-you-phonetic.unit speaks-one-phonetic.unit
>sla-mda-kwa-q esl-qa-tsa. R pash-sa-qa-nn
>name-love-water-me am-I-last.clause. Topic commanded-he-I-next.clause
>suq-qa-x dil-tsa-nn wa-akwuq-xa-ki
>watch-I-you reason-last.clause-next.clause
>pla-sa-q sR<-tsa mu-nks-sa mu-tli-sa
>rules-he-me is.eternal-last.clause very-strong-he very-wise-he
>pla-ki-x. R slt-xa psh-qa-xa-tsa.
>rules-people-you. Topic continue-you command-I-you-last.clause
>R wu-mla-xa-nn al-xa-q.
>Topic not-need-you-next.clause owe-you-me.
>Smooth translation:
>I greet you, who create languages. I am called Waterlover. I have been
>assigned by He Who Rules Forever (he is very strong, he is very wise!) to
>watch in order to make sure that you do not engage in subversive activity
>against us, the people who rule you. I command you to continue your
>activities. You're welcome.
>...>Any comment?
Question: How does the topic particle "R" work? I can't seem to figure
it out...