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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 0:32
I can't resist either. Below are my top five conlangs and natlangs
that I'd like to learn *IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER*:

BOREANESIAN: Obviously, my own. What else is there to say.

TOKANA: Though I'm aware that the Tokana has changed a lot since
I recieved a copy of the TRG, many of the details featured in the TRG
I have appeal to me. Its also the most complete naturalistic conlang
I know off, filled with the intricacies, irregularities, and the
ethnographic framework that any realistic language ought to have.

TEPA: Another naturalistic conlang and really exotic. Though, from
what I know, it is (and will remain) incompletely described -- I would
love to have the chance to learn it.

NOWAN: Part of the most completely described conculture I have seen in a
modern our-world setting. I guess that is what mainly attracts me to it.
Boreanesia is also set in a modern our-world setting. But also the fact
that its an attempt at being quite different from human languages yet
naturalistic in the sense that it is spoken by another 'naked-ape' -- our
closest genitic relative: the homointelligens.

TECH: All those consonant!! All those sounds!! What a challenge!! But
since I love phonology and phonetics, I like the challenge. Also, since
it is based on Nostratic, it has a realistic flavor to it.

ILOCANO: The mother tongue of the majority of my Filipino relatives. I
have never ever been able to communicate with them properly.

KHMER: Since I have trouble dealing with tones, but I love the way those
mainland SEAsian languages sound like (their rich vocalic systems with
unrounded back vowels especially), then Khmer is a good one to learn. No
tones, but plenty of vowels (including unrounded back ones). I also love
the rhythme it has created by complex syllable onsets but simple syllable
offsets. Morphology is also quite simple. In other words, phonologically
pleasing and challenging at the same time, but otherwise easy to learn.

INUIT: With a Greenlandic minority here in Denmark, it should be possible
to get lessons in Inuit. Exotic! Hell its polysynthetic!! Its fascinating
how long words can get to express things we Anglophones normally would do
with sentences. I'd like to learn a little about polysynthetic languages,
and maybe apply it to Boreanesian if possible.

YAGUA: I have a reference grammar of it in the 2nd Vol of the Handbook of
Amazonian languages. There are so many features in it that I like. What's
more is that its the first completely describe type 8 language: verb-inital,
post-positional, genitive before head, descriptive modifier after nominal
head. I've been trying to make Boreanesian a type 8 language as well, with
some success.

ANDAMAN: Though not strictly one language, I'd like to be acquainted with
an Andaman language simply because its mysterious. Virtually nothing is known
about them, and they are quickly dying out.

-kristian- 8)