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Re: Fluency Wish-List

Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 14:23
1. english. i think it's no need for french to grieve its soaring reign.
the essence of a musical language.
2. hebrew and all the stuff that goes with it. i promised her to be fit for
parental approval next year. aaagh. i suggest He chooses some gaul
or japanese tribes next turn. or a conlanger.
3. tunu. my conlang -whatever it looks inbetween the dates i'm retired
and i'm dead. given the recent grammar and vocablist huge improvements
i am now confident i will be able to proudly tell my children-to-be that
i master what i created. hoping that senility fortunately redeems this all.
4. indonesian. IALists of the world please convert!
now - seriously - listen to this melody and look at this incredibly simple,
elegant grammar. too bad the vocabulary is a 100 peoples' large so
you need a 100 lives to master it.
5. latin. romance speakers and romance beings know where
they root from. still can't get why i get a rash here (see picture 1) and
there (see picture 2) when thumbing beyond page 10 of my latin grammar
book arguing that ablative of "hand" is a long nominative.
i go for procrastinative.
6. interlingua. latin without ablatief -what a relief.
7. charles' tomato. when he feels like opting for a definite grammar.
8. spanglish. whenever finally issued.
9. osseticochichimec - or any lang simpler than esperanto.
