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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Brad Coon <bcoon@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 21:39
Guess I will throw in my 2 cents;

Nova, its mine and its everything I ever really wanted in a language.
Lojban, always strikes me a very alien but that only makes it more
Esperanto, what the heck, its easy, it wouldn't take long, and I have
toyed with it off and on for years.
Possibly one of the lgs that I am creating as descendents of
Proto-Adenan (spoken by the Adena culture of the central US circa 100 BC
to 400 AD)
No others, there are many, many I admire, but being a lg community of
one is difficult.

Nahuatl (Classical and Huastecan), I can (have to soon) revive my
reading but speaking would be nice too.
Hopi: used to read it fairly well and spoke it crudely, still one of
my favorites
Crow: one of the most divergent Siouan lgs and there are lots of native
speakers in my part of the country
Aguaruna: interesting lg and I have a lot resources.  Its Jivaroan,
which are probably further related to Arawakan
French: all those lgs, all those years, and my French is restricted
to 1 semester as freshman in high school (a long, long time ago)

Rusty but revivable if needed; Latin, Spanish
Very unlikely but would be cool: Georgian, Swahili, Dakota, Comanche,
Cree, Chinese, Sumerian, Arabic, Syriac (OK, I just like the script),
something Papuan, and something Austronesian, maybe Tahitian or

Truth is, I will be lucky to more than one or two of the natlangs and
maybe Nova.

Brad Coon

Somedays when you wake up, its just not worth chewing through
the leather straps.