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Re: CHAT: The EU expands (was Re: THEORY/CHAT: Talmy, Jackendoff and Matchboxes)

From:Javier BF <uaxuctum@...>
Date:Monday, May 3, 2004, 16:08
>The funny thing is that neither EYPO nor EBPO are written >with letters which obviously do not belong to the Latin >set. That is, many uninformed people could simply assume >hat EYPO and EBPO are just weird words for "euro" in >*Latin* characters from some obscure European Union >language. It would be much interesting to have a Greek >psi or a Cyrillic ya on the euro banknotes.
Just realized that the Greek word is spelled EYP_O_ with an omega instead of an omicron. So well, at least we have one genuinely Greek letter on the euro banknotes, though unfortunately omega looks just like a weird O unlike psi or xi which look definitely un-Latin. Cheers, Javier