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Re: OT: national humor

From:Rick Morneau <ram@...>
Date:Sunday, May 11, 2003, 12:49
Dirk Elzinga wrote:
> > On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 06:36 AM, John Cowan wrote: > > > These jokes prove something about cultural relativity, but I'm not > > sure what. As for the rabbits in Texas, they may not be kangaroos, but > > they do have respectably large ears! (My own home state of New Jersey > > is better known for its mosquitoes -- why, a good many of them weigh a > > pound [2.2 kg], and they sit on tree leaves and bark when people go > > by.) > > Other states also seem to take perverse pride in the size of the > mosquitos; I've heard similar things about them from Alaska and > Minnesota. Luckily for me the mosquitos in Utah are very small and > rather scarce. Must have something to do with being on the edge of a > desert (i.e., no standing water). Arizona was even better for lack of > mosquitos, but it more than makes up for it with crickets and > cockroaches. >
Here in southeast Idaho (USA), we make jokes about Montana (a state that borders Idaho). Here's are some examples: Q. Why can't Montanans raise chickens? A. They plant them too deep. Did you hear that Montana and Idaho were having a war? The Montanans were throwing bombs into Idaho, and the Idahoans were lighting them and throwing them back. Two Montanans (Montana is a state that nobody claims) had just gottin' married and are honey mooning in Idaho Falls, Idaho. That night they decided to get a room at a very ritzy hotel (The Westbank Inn). The groom, radiant with pride, strolled up to the front desk and requested a room. The clerk took one look at the couple and promptly deduced that they were newly wed. With a wry smile he asked the groom, "I suppose you'll be wantin' the bridle." "Nah," answered the groom, "I'll just hold on to her ears until she slows down." How did the Montanan die raking leaves? Fell out of the tree. How did the Montanan die drinking milk? Cow fell on him. How did the Montanan break his finger? He was punched in the nose. Regards, Rick Morneau