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(OT) Re: How do you say 'Hello' to an alien?

From:Arnt Richard Johansen <arj@...>
Date:Saturday, August 2, 2003, 13:54
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, JS Bangs wrote:

> But Nikhil asked a more interesting question--is it possible to > communicate without language? I think the answer is no.
Brian McConnell, who wrote _Beyond Contact: A Guide to SETI and Communicating with Alien Civilizations_, thinks that the answer is yes. This book mainly describes a communication scheme based on numbers, with a multilayered approach similar to that in Carl Sagan's _Contact_. It makes many ill-founded assumptions on the aliens' culture and technology (ie. that all civilizations with radio telescopes must also have digital computers), but overall, it's quite plausible, and a good read. -- Arnt Richard Johansen Du klickar bara på en ikon så SER DU DITT LOKALA NÄTVERK. -- Z mag@zine lovpriser Win95 i nr. 7/95


John Cowan <cowan@...>