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Re: French transitivity etc.

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Friday, January 30, 2004, 18:45
Christophe wrote:

>Believe me, it's not confusing at all :)) . Also, you seem to forget the
existence of the expression "être en train de", which indicates progressive aspect. But due to its length, it has quite a strong progressive meaning which fits only some cases of use of the English progressive aspect (namely when you insist on the idea of an on-going action). That was my impression. Perhaps as a response to "What were you doing when the bomb went off? ~What were you doing when the police arrived?" --??"J'étais en train de...".whatever ObConlang: Kash _senda_ is used in such cases, emphasizing the ongoing-ness of the action at a particular time. senda minahan anju irata kañuti 'we were eating when the cops arrived" yanda me kraku, senda manolit 'don't bother me, I'm reading' Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.