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Re: finally, something besides phonology in Tech...

From:Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>
Date:Saturday, March 27, 2004, 14:42
The problem with linguistics is that man's life is not
long enough. Stuck on phonology for 17 years ! Holy
Sausage ! It will take you at least twice more for
syntax, the same for vocabulary, and ten times more
for semantics ! This is a job for your
grand-grand...grandsons !

But I won't try to discourage you. Although I wonder
sometimes: why does every conlanger have to start from
zero again ? What a huge time saving it would be if he
could re-use modules other people would have thought,
written and tested already ? He just would have to
choose the ones he likes. We do so in computer
programming. If we had to write again the basic
routines used to compute "2+2" or "IF X > Y THEN A
ELSE B", nobody would ever use any computer programs.

But I can understand the idea of making a language as
odd and bizarre and complicated one could imagine
(although it's not my aim at the moment). This idea I
already had when I was at school. I also thought of
making a very eccentric temperature scale, where
degrees whould have been unequal but related to
physical measures, like water (and vodka ?) freezing,
lead melting (at sea level pressure), human body
standard temperature etc. Zero would have been Kelvin

--- Danny Wier <dawiertx@...> wrote:
> Now that I've gotten to the next stage of > development after being stuck on > phonology for 17 years, I'm moving on.
===== Philippe Caquant "High thoughts must have high language." (Aristophanes, Frogs) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.


Danny Wier <dawiertx@...>