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Re: Velar Laterals (was: Yet another ASCII-IPA scheme...)

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Monday, November 12, 2001, 1:27
In a message dated 11/11/01 3:33:49 PM, anstouh@YAHOO.COM.AU writes:

<< my question is: how do you get an [S] without moving your tongue? >>

    I meant the *tip* of my tongue.  The tip of my tongue is below my bottom
row of teeth when I pronounce [S] pretty much always.


"Zi hiwejnat zodZaraDatsi pat Zi mirejsat dZaCajani sUlo."
"The future's uncertain and the end is always near."
                --Jim Morrison


Tristan Alexander McLeay <anstouh@...>