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Re: question on sampa representation

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Sunday, March 23, 2003, 17:42
En réponse à "H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh@...>:

> > OK, I'm not even going to mention English pronunciation, but I > *really* > want somebody who knows better to clarify exactly what is the > difference > between XSAMPA [A], [O], and [Q]. IPA vowels continue to elude me. :-( >
I can't imagine why. All those different vowels are extremely unlike each other to me. [O] is to [o] what [E] is to [e], i.e. just a bit more open. [Q] is also on the [o]-[O] line, but happens when you open your mouth all the way (it's the lowest you can get in the back, as low as [a], and rounded). [A] is unrounded [Q], or backed [a]. Needless to say, I can produce all those different vowels without a problem, and they are all phonemic in Maggel ;))))) . Christophe. It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.


Joe <joe@...>