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Re: Russian-based pidgins (was: Zelandish)

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Saturday, September 28, 2002, 11:58
Pavel Iosad wrote:
> >Hello, > > > > Oh! You know about Russo-norsk and Sino-Russian?! That's > > great! I'm amazed! Unfortunately there are very few materials > > on these issues. Do you have / know-where-to-find any in the Web? > > > > > Unfortunately not. I have seen references to Russo-norsk in > > a couple of > > books in the past. I don't think I encounter Sino-Russian > > before I read > > Pidgins and Creoles by Ian Holm (I think). There was a little > > information about both pidgins but I don't think it had anything on > > surzhik. > >And rightly so. The surzhik is nowhere near being a pidgin. It is quite >truly a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian, forming a bit of a >transitional zone between the two languages. It has a phonoogy different >from both R and Ukr: thus it has [G] instead of R [g] (as do most >Russian proper dialects of the south) and Ukr voiced [h] (forgot the >SAMPA). It has however the Ukrainian [w] instead of >preconsonantal/auslaut [v]. It has no palatalized sibilants and >affricates (Russian has only [tS_j], and Ukr has a whole load of them). >The prosodic patterns are closer to Ukrainian. In morphology, mosr >dialects are closer to Russian than to Ukrainian (thus, no simple future >tense, and most endings usually Russian - like _-ov_ and not _-iv_ in >2nd decl. gen. pl - but of course pronounced [ow]!). The lexis is quite >normal for that region - it shares a lot with Ukrainian and southern >Russian dialects, and thus more like Ukrainian than standard Russian. > >But it has a full-fledged morphology, and the source of its lexis is not >one of the languages, but both. >
Is it a transitional dialect, or his it a later-arisen mixture of R and Ukr? If the later, what caused the rise of a such mixture? Andreas _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


Pavel Iosad <pavel_iosad@...>