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Re: A couple questions.

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, February 18, 2000, 6:03
At 6:26 pm -0600 17/2/00, Daniel A. Wier wrote:
> >Ouch! I didn't think about FOUR different phonetic situations! Really, >what I meant was this analogy: [nl?] is to [dl] what [n] is to [d]?
Don't want to be picky, but I'm a bit puzzled. As [dl] is written above, surely it represents two consonants just as. e.g. [bl] and [gl] do. Indeed [dl] was (is?) used in some English Yorkshire dialects where standard English has [gl], e.g. 'gloom' [dlu:m]. On that analogy isn't [nl] simply [nl]? (2) is
>most what I was looking for, a laterally-released [n].
Ah, so what is 'dl'? Is it the voiced lateral affricate? In which case Matt's 'n with superscript l' (SAMPA [n_l]) would seem to be the appropriate nasal sound. My apologies for being rusty on Tech phonology :) Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================