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Re: A couple questions.

From:Daniel A. Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Friday, February 18, 2000, 18:45
>From: Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
> >Second, what would a modern Coptic typeface (Roman, Helvetica, Courier >etc.) > >look like? I'm thinking if Coptic was "Westernized" like Cyrillic was by > >Peter the Great. I reckon they'd be pretty similar. > >Yes, the Coptic script (or at least the pieces I've seen) looks very >similar to early forms of Cyrillics. In fact, both are nearly identical >with certain medieval forms of the Greek script; besides, they use >like letters for /S/ (probably inspired by Aramaic).
Both were based on uncial Greek, yes. Gothic too, but it's a bit different. I studied the history of the last seven letters of the Coptic script: they all come from Demotic (which came from Hieratic which came from Hieroglyphic Egyptian). They were stylized in the way that Phoenician/Aramaic/Hebrew -- Jewish Square were to resemble Greek letters for Cyrillic. Bohairic Coptic uses both upper and lower cases, but Sahidic and Akhmimic use a unified case which most resembles uncial, if I remember correctly. Why Cyrillic "sha" and Coptic "shai" look alike? Cyrillic got "shin" from Phoe/Old Hebrew, which came from the Sinaitic for... what was it, "teeth"? It of course came from Egyptian, but not the same hieroglyph. The Egyptian symbol for "sh" is a pool, a long rectangle. It just happened to be written with a "w-curve" in Hieratic and Demotic, so there you have it. Coincidence, but not entirely -- there probably was Semitic influence on the letter. The other six Coptic letters, even "xei" (it looks kinda like "h" but has the value of [x]), were arrived at independently and all come from Demotic as well. These are: "fai" [f], "xei" [x] (Bohairic only; Akhmimic uses "hori" with a bar through it), "hori" [h], "ganga" [g] or [dZ], "cima" [q] or [tS] and dei [ti]. In older forms of the script, there might be a few extra Demotic-derived letters, but these are represented by Greek letters so they're redundant. Ob-Tech: "ganga" is either [G] (uvular G) or [dZ], while "cima" is [q] or [tS]. How I distinguish uvular from "palatal" affricate I haven't quite decided on. And I can't use double "gamma" because that's reserved for [N] (the value of "gamma" before "kappa", "mu", "ksi", "khi" and "fai" as well).
>So you'll only have to decide on the few letters having no correspondences >in Cyrillics: f, h, C, ti.
Not really; I'll just use a "cleaned-up" version of the Coptic letters. Note that capital "xei" is like lowercase Serbian Cyrillic /dj/ without the bar while lowercase "xei" has that loop on top, making it resemble a bass clef in Western musical notation, more or less. I really have too much free time on my hands don't I. Danny ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at