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Re: Weekly Vocab 8 (1-6)

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Monday, May 19, 2003, 23:58
[an'dr\e@s r\oUt]:
> > I got a lot out of this vocab entry. I sat down and worked > > out my system of weights, which is based on the addid: > > the weight of the amount of flour a grown woman can hold > > in two hands cupped together. Of course, people will use > > women with small or large hands to measure depending > > on what benefits them, but that's enterprising for you. ;-) > > This give me a mental and highly nonPC image of an enterprising flour
> carrying around a collection of women with different-sized hands on his > back ...
The thing with the Mocteno is, the women do that kind of work, so the traders themselves could measure... Funny thought though.
> Hm, the only unit of measurement I've got in Tairezazh yet is the _mév > kolen_ "classical day", which is equal to what the Earth's rotational
> was a few millennia ago when they stopped adjusting for changes in the
> motion - it's slowly but steadily shifting out of synch since.
Heh... I love how the unit based on the phenomenon stays the same while the phenomenon itself changes. Jake