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Re: CHAT: XS vs. Kirshenbaum vs. Who-knows-what

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Sunday, January 25, 2004, 21:01
Gah, speaking of bumping up the message count.  I meant that
message to go only to Trebor.  Mea culpa.

ObConlang: "Mea culpa".   In Okaikiar that'd be "Lomkan ze", in Methkaeki
"Dreni ujni".  Both are literally "my fault", "my blame" - or actually,
"fault of me", "blame of me", since neither language has true
possessives but uses the genitive instead.  Although I haven't decided
yet if they're going to stay that way.  A genitive/possessive
distinction has its uses.
