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Re: how many conlangs do you know?

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 15, 2000, 21:31
callanish wrote:
> Well, as far as my own go, I know the grammar for 3 of my older languages, > Cho-ba, Osë, and Jafo, but I hardly know any vocabulary.
I've forgotten practically all the details of my earlier conlangs, with only a few exceptions (like in Tarníf, the -ê, -ô, -rô, -um endings for Class I nouns masculine, feminine, androgynous, neuter genders, and the Class III nominative singular and plural -úm/-ú - I especially remember that I changed the ending from -úk to -úm due to words whose stems ended in -f, and the fact that <u> was /V/!). With my current one, I've only recently gotten to the point where I can *usually* (but still not always) inflect a verb without looking at my notes, and use a few cases without looking at notes. There's a small group of words that I remember without looking up, but not many.
> The only conlang of mine I actually had some speaking knowledge of at one > point was the first version of Rozhendi, which I was creating with another > person at college some 9 or 10 years ago. However, the language has since > gone through several revisions, and is currently in the throes of another > major overhaul, so it now bears little resemblance to what it was originally > like and what little bit I remember wouldn't help me much!
It would be interesting if that other person had also maintained it, making their own changes. It would be intriguing to see what kinds of differences each person made, a sort of "related conlangs". :-) -- "Their bodies did not age, but they became afeared of everything and anything. For partaking in any activity at all could threaten their precious and ageless bodies! ... Their victory over death was a hollow one." ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor