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HTML question

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 21, 2003, 0:40
I'm redesigning my on-line Carrajena-English
dictionary to make it look more prefessional, and in
the process I have discovered that since I last wrote
html code they have implimented "style sheets".  While
I've more-or-less figured out the internal style sheet
thingy, I don't quite get the "external" style sheet,
and this is what I'd like to do for my dictionary
since I'll be programming the same styles for each of
40-50 html pages in the dict.

If anyone would like to have a look at the code I'm
currently using to design an entry and ste me on the
right track, I'd be grateful.


Il prori ul pa&#38621;veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji
fached. -- Carrajena proverb


Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>