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Re: Pater Noster in Qthyn|gai (mp3)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Thursday, August 4, 2005, 14:29
--- In, Henrik Theiling <theiling@A...> wrote:

>This time, I might have a slightly more interesting sound sample of >one of my conlangs. The last one in da Mätz se Basa did not seem to >have impressed anyone. :-/
>So I sat down and recorded the Pater Noster in Qthyn|gai. >This is the result:
Very impressive, both of them! Thanks! It was a pleasure to listen to someone actually using his conlang. Now I'm eager to do something similar with mine. I don't know how yet, but someday.... Charlie


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>