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Re: New Book out: Fictional and Fantastic Languages

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin-conlang@...>
Date:Sunday, December 10, 2006, 18:43
* Sally Caves said on 2006-12-10 19:06:56 +0100
> I have recently purchased an expensive, just released encyclopedia by Tim > Conley and Stephen Cain, _Encyclopedia of Fictional and Fantastic > Languages_ (Westport CT, London: Greenwood Press, 2006). It has a foreword > by Ursula K. Le Guin, author as you know of "Kesh" (and she talks about > it). It tends to stress languages that are print published, like Klingon, > but it has a preface by the authors in which they acknowledge CONLANG.
Heh, thanks, now I know what I want for christmas! Not that I'd get it in time, but *drool*... Will you be in relay 14? Haven't started yet. t.


Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...>