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Re: grumbles

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 2:04
> >There used to be an excellent site on (lotsa links to it >still) but it disappeared one night and has never resurfaced anywhere... > >It was the best... but take a look at > > > >and don't mind the broken images and links.
I used to go there quite a bit. I was quite dismayed when i went to it and couldnt get in. Lawrence Lo from UC Berkeley had a great site on ancient scripts but their server has been broken since january and I havent been able to get in.
> > > >which has been mentioned here before? The Blackwell one is cheaper, and >as one of the editors of the WWS is a regular on sci.lang and I find him ><censored> I'd rather purchase the Blackwell one... but if the WWS is as >good as his propaganda on sci.lang claims...
Well I just mentioned the WWS one yesterday. But I think it's good. It has articles on different scripts written by different authors. It's a thick book, and quite heavy (920 pages). There are also a couple of figures showing how some scripts descended from others (like the southeast asian scripts from Pallava Brahmi). However, I too would rather buy the blackwell one. I would bet it has just as much info, but is much cheaper than the WWS.
________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.