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Re: OT: Prayer, ritual and magic // was conlang website

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Thursday, October 19, 2000, 1:53
Carlos Thompson wrote:
> I can't help rationalizing, then I'm pretty sure that when I > say "I believe" or "I don't believe" I'm not saying "it is" or "it is > not".
How does that make one "agnostic"? IMO, if one *doesn't* acknowledge the fact that their beliefs are imperfect, that they don't KNOW what is, that's either sheer vanity or denial. Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying? -- Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos God gave teeth; God will give bread - Lithuanian proverb ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor