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Re: OT: Prayer, ritual and magic // was conlang website

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, October 19, 2000, 4:08
Nicc Taylor wabbe:

> Carlos Thompson wrote: > > I can't help rationalizing, then I'm pretty sure that when I > > say "I believe" or "I don't believe" I'm not saying "it is" or "it
> > not". > > How does that make one "agnostic"? IMO, if one *doesn't* > acknowledge the fact that their beliefs are imperfect, that they > don't KNOW what is, that's either sheer vanity or denial. Or > am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
Well, I can make a list on things I believe and things I believe not. For example I believe there is something/someone out there (or right here) more or less the way I was taught God. The exact manifestation of God can change from personal to impersonal, from father to plain observer, and the way I believe blurs from "there must be something, just because my life would be senseless without God" to "God is a simple abstraction of humankind, but as such abstraction is real" to "I just happen to believe as other people believe in little green Martians, but the universe is perfectly posible without any God". I have no clear feeling of God interacting with me, all I believe or disbelieve is what I was taught (I was rised up in a Catholic country by La Salle brothers, participated in pastoral groups, and was involved in student movements in college, guided by Jesuit priests) and what I know on how the physical universe function which can be explained without any "creator", and how human nature function which can be explained without any god. Then I do believe that the world can exist without God, but I also believe God exists but His/Her exact nature is not clear for me (not that I cannot understand but reather I cannot decide). Probably I was less clear now than in my previous post. But I actually feel confortable in believing in the posibility of God not existing, because then I can focus in the responsability we have as human beings as we must be the ones to save ourselves, the ones to forgive ourselves, the ones to fix the mess ourselves without any _divine_ or _magical_ intervension. I do believe that if God exist, s/he gave us the freedom not to need him/her. -- Carlos Th