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Re: HUMOUR (lingua vulgaris) Re: .com/religion

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 25, 2001, 10:11
>From: David Peterson <DigitalScream@...> >Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:08:15 EDT > > Look especially at the eight in the middle. When I actually tried to >pronounce this language it was like saying, "Sally Zelshin sells shiny >seashells sitting by the sunny, showy seashore".
WOAH! I love that tongue twister. I have a nascent collection of the things to inflict on my ESL classes for pronunciation practice. I actually recorded three
>sentences of it, along with all my other languages at the time. Each >language took me about five minutes; Shali took me a half an hour.
LOL that *SO* reminds me of the time I tried to record the Babel text in q~'u^pl! which is my most bizzarre little fankensteinian beast. It was nearly impossible to get through with out goofing something and then the quality was horrid. After all that work, that 'puter crashed and burned and took my only spoken sample with it. I still have notes some where, but my sound bite bit the dust. Adam
> >-David
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