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Re: Brithenig Qs

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 4, 2000, 8:53
Am 04/02 11:39  And Rosta yscrifef:
> 1. Is there a map of Kemr anywhere? >
Yes, Padraic has drawn one and placed it on the net. Refer to him.
> 2. Are there Brithenig placenames for places such as Liverpool and Preston? >
Not yet. Throw a couple of (Neo)Latin or Celtic names for them at me and I can see if I can figure them out. Preston does have the alternative of being Prestatyn.
> 3. Was there Norwegian settlement of Lancashire? Did the Danelaw include > parts of Kemr? >
There is an overlap between the Danelaw and Kemr. I don't know at this stage whether this effected Brithenig placenames. Kemr lost the suzereignty of Northumbria which it shared with Mercia to the Danelaw.
> 4. Is the Isle of Man Manx-speaking in the Brithening universe? >
Not any more!
> 5. What was the linguistic fate of Breton and Brittany in the Brithening > universe? >
Frank Valoczy did construct a cognate language in that area but it is not currently active. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus The sacred writers have clothed God in a human form, like gleaming amber or fire, and have spoken of its eyes, and ears, and hair, and face, and hands, and wings, and pinions, and arms, and back, and feet. - The Divine Names, 1.8