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Re: Brithenig Qs

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Sunday, April 2, 2000, 21:47
On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, And Rosta wrote:

>1. Is there a map of Kemr anywhere? I'm pretty sure is the correct address. Though, note that the map is not written in Brithenig. It's not accurate anymore, on account of the fact that there is an additional Province in the northeast. I suspect its capital is Dui.
> >2. Are there Brithenig placenames for places such as Liverpool and Preston?
The area Liverpool is at is in Kemr. The closest city is Dui (aka Deva in the map); which is Chester. Not sure where Preston is precisely; but it's location is within Kemr as well.
> >3. Was there Norwegian settlement of Lancashire? Did the Danelaw include >parts of Kemr?
Kemr is basically from the Pennines west. Best to look at the map.
> >4. Is the Isle of Man Manx-speaking in the Brithening universe?
Never been sorted out, but I'd favour a largely Brithenig-of- Some-Sort speaking population, on account of the fact that Man is in a Strategigic Location with respect to Ireland. And I can't imagine any imperialist country like Kemr would pass up such a place for naval bases, etc. (At least in the Good Old Colony Days when Ireland was under Mother Britain's thumb.)
> >5. What was the linguistic fate of Breton and Brittany in the Brithening >universe?
The inhabitants of Little Britain were primarily emigrants from Kernow. They speak a closely related variety of Kernu. We do now know that P-Celtic is not dead *there*, as it is yet spoken in the Channel Isles. Padraic.
> >--And. >