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Re: CHAT: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Sunday, April 16, 2000, 20:45
From: "Sally Caves"

> Well, yeah... upstate New York, as a matter of fact... and by anybody > else who has ever been exposed to it or has borrowed words from it. > Like my sisters, my husband, and some of my friends. But just to > be a straight man to your jest, here, heh heh... it's simply the > principle of the thing. Not the inapplicability of the Declaration > to Teonaht, not the anachronism... it's just that it seems to be > making a mockery of a serious project. The Human Rights people > are looking for actual cultures of people who participate in the > world and speak a language that may be overlooked by others or > in danger of dying out. That speak to world diversity.
Sally has verbalized my squeamishness about it precisely. I shall be attempting a translation today, and will eventually post it on the ever elusive and mythical website, but this is a little different from the "World Poem" project of the past. I don't fear the black helicopters, but I'm not at all sure that the warm fuzziness of the Human Rights project extends to artlangs, or if such a submission would not be interpreted as anything more than mockery, which I certainly would not intend. Still, it's tempting. Also, the site has some major glitches. I don't remember all of what I stumbled across, but Hungarian was cited as the official language of China. Swedish in Karakoa? and the like. I'll ruminate as I translate. Kou